Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More FREE Cottonelle!!!

Go HERE and print a .50 coupon for any pack of Cottonelle.

Take your coupon to Kroger and get a free 4 pack of Cottonelle.


Emily said...

Thanks, Beth! There have been so many of these lately that I'm starting to wonder if we might get by on these free 4 pks alone!

Also, during my trip to Meijer this week, the woman behind me was inspired by my stack of coupons. Spent $55, saved $93. I tried to send her to your blog, but I remembered on the way home that I forgot the "blogspot" part. Darn it! But I did tell her about msm, so maybe she'll find you through that.

Your Coupon Coach said...

I have had that happen also. I just made up some cards to give to people when I am out. I will give you some :)

Saved $93!!! You are awesome.